Feedback from Providers is that enrolments are well and truly underway and in fact some have already got the Notification of Enrolment Process behind them, have met their financial caps and are delivering the training.
If you are not one of them, don't worry because there is still time, and some of those who have rushed ahead to meet caps may not have crossed the t's and etc. In short they have focussed on the targets and not the compliance. However, there are also a number of providers who have successfully managed both and they are to be congratulated.
If you are not one of them, don't worry because there is still time, and some of those who have rushed ahead to meet caps may not have crossed the t's and etc. In short they have focussed on the targets and not the compliance. However, there are also a number of providers who have successfully managed both and they are to be congratulated.
For most RTO's, and especially for smaller ones (and those who only received small amounts of funding), it is a risk management decision regarding where to put their resources - enrolments or compliance. Having said that, I have done a few checks on one or two who have received millions of dollars of Smart and Skilled money to find no evidence of any compliance on their website at all. In a fair world this would work against them with future allocations but..... |
Where it is all at
The good news in from State Training Services (March 2015 - Making Connections ) yesterday was that allocations have been raised for a number of existing providers of targeted priorities qualifications: childcare, aged care, disability support, agriculture and Auslan and Interpreting. Additional contracts have also been offered to new Providers for these qualifications.
Additional funds have also been allocated to increase regional caps for entitlement (Certificate II and III) and foundation skills to ensure that training providers have a minimum of 12 training places in each region. If you have not been included in this it would probably be worth contacting your local STS office to find out why.
Hopefully, these allocations have gone to providers with experience in delivering the training in the region it has been purchased. Conversations I have had around the Smart and Skilled training sector indicate the frustration so many providers have had with getting very small allocations for qualifications they have never previously delivered in untested market/regions. On top of this providers out with their region (some from interstate) are now delivering to their long term target markets, sometimes using the venues such as the local RSL as their contact or delivery site. It is certainly an interesting (polite way of saying it) delivery model and one with potentially huge social, community and economic implications! Perhaps this new allocation is a response to this feedback.
So it is interesting times in the Smart and Skilled world, changes are happening and Providers need to be positioned to maximise their advantage. My next blog will deal with where you should be up to now in terms of your contractual compliance. In the meantime if you have any questions please feel free to contact me using either the form on the right of this page or the contacts page on the website.
The good news in from State Training Services (March 2015 - Making Connections ) yesterday was that allocations have been raised for a number of existing providers of targeted priorities qualifications: childcare, aged care, disability support, agriculture and Auslan and Interpreting. Additional contracts have also been offered to new Providers for these qualifications.
Additional funds have also been allocated to increase regional caps for entitlement (Certificate II and III) and foundation skills to ensure that training providers have a minimum of 12 training places in each region. If you have not been included in this it would probably be worth contacting your local STS office to find out why.
Hopefully, these allocations have gone to providers with experience in delivering the training in the region it has been purchased. Conversations I have had around the Smart and Skilled training sector indicate the frustration so many providers have had with getting very small allocations for qualifications they have never previously delivered in untested market/regions. On top of this providers out with their region (some from interstate) are now delivering to their long term target markets, sometimes using the venues such as the local RSL as their contact or delivery site. It is certainly an interesting (polite way of saying it) delivery model and one with potentially huge social, community and economic implications! Perhaps this new allocation is a response to this feedback.
So it is interesting times in the Smart and Skilled world, changes are happening and Providers need to be positioned to maximise their advantage. My next blog will deal with where you should be up to now in terms of your contractual compliance. In the meantime if you have any questions please feel free to contact me using either the form on the right of this page or the contacts page on the website.