Smart and Skilled Transitioning – Made Simpler
Training Packages revisions
Most of you will be aware of the changes to Training Packages and which ones affect your RTO. You will no doubt have been keeping in touch with your Industry Skills Councils as to when the updates come into effect.
To date 6 Training Packages have been updated:
- Automotive Industry Retail, Service and Repair
- Business Services
- Financial Services
- Maritime
- Information and Communications Technology
- Printing and Graphic Arts
- Aeroskills
Most of you will be aware of the changes to Training Packages and which ones affect your RTO. You will no doubt have been keeping in touch with your Industry Skills Councils as to when the updates come into effect.
To date 6 Training Packages have been updated:
- Automotive Industry Retail, Service and Repair
- Business Services
- Financial Services
- Maritime
- Information and Communications Technology
- Printing and Graphic Arts
- Aeroskills
What do these changes this mean for Smart and Skilled?
The fundamental change is that the Smart and Skilled 2015 NSW Skills List has been updated. 2 qualifications have been deleted from the Skills List (91138NSW and TDM30107) 12 qualifications have been deemed equivalent to the ones that have been superseded. You can check out these qualifications here: ![]()
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
What all this means for enrolments in Smart and Skilled.
1. No changes are required if student s have commenced training. Data and reporting is done against the superseded qualification.
2. In some instances ASQA policy may say that the transition must occur immediately. If the student has commenced training no new Commitment ID is required, however, Providers should update their student management systems with the new/ current qualification and report against it them when submitting data.
3. If a Commitment ID has been issued for a student enrolled in a superseded qualification but training will start after the end date assigned on the Act ivity Schedule, the Commitment ID will need to be cancelled. The Notification of Enrolment will need to be resubmitted for the current qualification and a new Commitment ID will be issued.
4. If a student has not started training and does not have a Commitment ID then they cannot be enrolled in the superseded qualification after the qualification end date shown on the Activity Schedule.
Note: There has been no changes to the prices paid by Smart and Skilled i.e. the new/current Qualification is paid at the same rate as the previous/superseded qualification.
1. No changes are required if student s have commenced training. Data and reporting is done against the superseded qualification.
2. In some instances ASQA policy may say that the transition must occur immediately. If the student has commenced training no new Commitment ID is required, however, Providers should update their student management systems with the new/ current qualification and report against it them when submitting data.
3. If a Commitment ID has been issued for a student enrolled in a superseded qualification but training will start after the end date assigned on the Act ivity Schedule, the Commitment ID will need to be cancelled. The Notification of Enrolment will need to be resubmitted for the current qualification and a new Commitment ID will be issued.
4. If a student has not started training and does not have a Commitment ID then they cannot be enrolled in the superseded qualification after the qualification end date shown on the Activity Schedule.
Note: There has been no changes to the prices paid by Smart and Skilled i.e. the new/current Qualification is paid at the same rate as the previous/superseded qualification.
The May update to the 2015 NSW Skills List includes qualifications where amendments to VTOs have resulted in a change to apprenticeship or traineeship status. This includes: Where the qualification can no longer be delivered as an apprenticeship or traineeship Where the qualification pathway has changed from an apprenticeship to a traineeship or vice versa Where the qualification can now be delivered as either an apprenticeship or a traineeship (dual pathway). Note: There are some changes to student fees as a result of VTO changes. | All Providers should check the changes as per the table in the word doc below: ![]()